
Childbirth Education Resource Site 

Welcome to this resource site for expectant families participating in courses offered by Bellingham Technical College and PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center.  We hope that you find this to be a useful resource. Sign up for Facebook (Parenting at BTC). is a great resource that compliments the class handbook "Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn (4th edition).  On this complimentary website you will find information, resources, and worksheets directly related to topics in the handbook.  We recommend that you read the handbook and check out this new website for additional information.


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Carolynn Slocumcslocum@btc.edu360-393-0210Instructor
Elizabeth Diazediaz@btc.edu360-540-0810Instructor
Heide Willbrandthwillbrandt@btc.edu360-752-8478Program Office Coordinator
Jennifer Knudsenjknudsen@btc.edu360-752-8353Child & Family Studies
Kathy Wilburkwilbur@btc.edu360-384-3335Instructor
Lisa Folletlfollet@btc.edu360-255-1174Instructor